
Aesthetics of Research (Ongoing)

Aesthetics of Research (2023-Present) is a framework for visual, conceptual, and sonic worldbuilding through the lens of a Queer Black person living in the age of the internet. Using media collected from daily experiences, both physical (captured in my everyday life through audio/visual field recordings and photos) and digital (captured by screen recording and screenshot from online activity), I created a hybrid “third space” where I can perform research and process, organize, and recontextualize a constant influx of images and occurrences. This third space consists of printed images,  sound + video work, and multimedia performances blending real time live feeds + pre recorded media, all displayed in multichannel installations.

Untitled (2023) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in
Untitled (2023) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in
Untitled (2024) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in

Bridge I (2023) 120mm Inkjet Print 35 x 44in
Bridge II (2023) 120mm Inkjet Print 35 x 44in
Portals I (2023) 120mm Inkjet Print 35 x 44in
Portals II (2023) 120mm Inkjet Print 35 x 44in
Overpass (2024) iPhone Inkjet Print 88 x 108in
Platform (2023) iPhone

Untitled (2023) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in
Untitled (2024) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in
Untitled (2023) iPhone Inkjet Print 44 x 78in


Film stills from Untitled Video/Windows XP Startup/Birth of Venus 2024 (2024)
Digital Video

Untitled Performance (2024) Live feed, Digital video, Field Recording, Live Mics, Wooden Pallet Duration Variable

Untitled Performance (2024)
Duration Variable
Live feed, digital video, field recording, live mics, wooden pallet