Aesthetics of Research (Ongoing)
Aesthetics of Research (2023-Present) is a framework for visual, conceptual, and sonic worldbuilding through the lens of a Queer Black person living in the age of the internet. Using media collected from daily experiences, both physical (captured in my everyday life through audio/visual field recordings and photos) and digital (captured by screen recording and screenshot from online activity), I created a hybrid “third space” where I can perform research and process, organize, and recontextualize a constant influx of images and occurrences. This third space consists of printed images, sound + video work, and multimedia performances blending real time live feeds + pre recorded media, all displayed in multichannel installations.

Film stills from Untitled Video/Windows XP Startup/Birth of Venus 2024 (2024)
Digital Video

Untitled Performance (2024)
Duration Variable
Live feed, digital video, field recording, live mics, wooden pallet